What to Know Before Getting a Tooth Crown
Has your dentist recommended a crown for one or more of your teeth? Dental crowns are a common form of restorative dentistry that can protect and strengthen teeth in the hopes that teeth extraction can be avoided. But there’s a lot more to dental crowns than you may realize.
What is the Purpose of a Crown?
A tooth crown is used to guard and support a tooth when it is severely cracked, weakened, or broken. It can be made with several different materials including porcelain, ceramic, or resin. The crown, sometimes referred to as a cap, is fitted over the remaining tooth after the area has been cleaned and prepared for the crown. Dental crowns resemble other teeth in both color and shape.
Learn more about this procedure and what you can expect after getting your crown below, and talk with our dentist at Meridian Dental for more information. Schedule a free crown consultation at our dental office in Wasilla, AK!
Not all tooth decay will require a tooth crown.
Small cracks in teeth usually don’t require a crown. In these cases, another form of restorative dentistry, fillings, are used. In other cases, decay or a fracture may have made its way down into a tooth’s roots. Before a tooth crown is placed to support the vulnerable tooth in such a situation, root canal treatment may be performed. A good judge for whether or not a tooth crown is needed is its structural soundness. Infected roots and large cracks can deteriorate a tooth’s structure much quicker and more severely than a small cavity and will most likely need a dental crown. For lighter cases of tooth decay, often fillings will suffice.
Getting a filling now doesn’t mean that you won’t need a tooth crown later.
In cases when a filling would be the best solution, just be aware that the filling will not eliminate future need for a tooth crown. Other cavities or fractures could compromise dental structure even after a filling was placed. Patients who grind teeth or bite forcibly also can weaken their teeth and wear down previous fillings until a tooth crown is required.
Tooth decay isn’t the only reason to get a same-day crown.
Extreme fractures and decay are only a few causes for a dentist to suggest tooth crowns. Other reasons for recommending a tooth crown can include:
- Cosmetic purposes: Your dentist may place dental crowns over discolored or stained teeth to blend better with surrounding teeth.
- Dental implants: Tooth crowns can act as covers for dental implants as well.
- Tooth bridges or dentures: To anchor down prosthetic teeth in a tooth bridge or dentures, a dental crown may be used, either with a dental implant or cemented onto an existing tooth.
Waiting for a tooth crown sometimes can worsen the problem.
Every case is different. Not everyone will experience complications by waiting to receive crowns when they are needed. But for some patients, postponing a crown appointment can cause decay or fractures to worsen. This may lead to the patient needing a root canal or even extracting the tooth altogether.
Even permanent crowns won’t last forever.
Like other teeth, a longer lifespan for your crown will depend on how well you take care of it. Wear protective teeth splints if you grind teeth, and avoid eating sticky or hard foods. Brush and floss every day, especially where the crown meets the tooth. If you neglect good dental hygiene habits such as these, bacteria buildup can form under the crown, weakening and deteriorating the tooth all over again. But if you take good care of your tooth crown, it will last generally 10 or so years.
- Patients can get crowns in a single visit. In the past, patients had to schedule two appointments to get a permanent crown. During the first appointment, a mold would be made for the final crown and the patient would leave with a temporary crown. The mold would be sent to a dental laboratory where the permanent crown was sculpted. Once completed, the individual could come in for their second appointment when the new permanent crown was fitted and cemented onto the tooth. While the two appointment approach is still an option for patients, now you can opt for same-day crowns instead. As the name implies, same-day dental crowns are molded, milled, and bonded onto the remaining tooth in a single appointment. This is a great alternative for patients with busy schedules or individuals who want a permanent crown sooner! Patients get the same, finely crafted dental crown they would before only now in less time.
Come Get Same-Day Tooth Crowns at Meridian Dental
Meridian Dental is one such dental office providing same-day crowns to patients in Wasilla, Palmer, and Alaska’s Mat-Su Valley. We are proud to offer our patients this advanced care and other technologies to help improve their dental health.
We also believe that patients shouldn’t be pushed into getting a tooth crown when a filling or another restorative dental treatment could work just as well if not better. Our dentist is esteemed in the Mat-Su for his honest assessments about what will be best for the patient. With Dr. Kris Gurr, DDS, you will never be pushed into undergoing unnecessary procedures. Come get the care you deserve by a respected and trusted dentist.
Meet with our dentist today to talk about getting a dental crown for your cracked or weakened teeth! Call our dental office with any questions you have about same-day crowns.
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